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Cockroaches are scavenger insects that resemble beetles. There are many species of cockroaches, but one of the most common in the Utah area is the German cockroach. German cockroaches are about 1/2 an inch long, oval-shaped, and have six legs. They are light brown in color and have two parallel stripes on their back near their head. Although they have wings, German cockroaches rarely fly, preferring instead to run. Cockroaches are scavengers, which means they feed on dead organisms. They’ll eat almost anything, such as animal carcasses, feces, garbage, book bindings, and toothpaste.
The smoky brown cockroach is an outdoor roach that lives in and around wooded areas. It’s a large species that’s sensitive to changes in the environment and looks for areas of high humidity. It’s also a problem for homes in warmer climates.In addition to their more natural habitats, “smoky browns” infest garbage and have been found in sewers, making them potential carriers of disease. They’re unpleasant pests to find around your house and shouldn’t be taken lightly.
Cockroaches are dangerous for a couple of reasons. First, their traveling and eating habits take them to many unsanitary places where they pick up bacteria, parasites, and other pathogens. If they then enter your home and walk around on your countertops, bathroom fixtures, and food, they will contaminate them with these germs, leaving you susceptible to serious illness. Cockroaches have been linked to the spread of thirty-three types of bacteria, six different parasitic worms, and at least seven other pathogens. Another reason to be concerned about a cockroach infestation is that they can trigger asthma symptoms, and even asthma attacks, in certain individuals.
Cockroaches sometimes enter homes when carried inside in boxes or bags, or by crawling in through any small opening they can find. If your home is humid or you have a moisture problem somewhere, and if you have a readily available food supply, roaches will be interested in staying in your home. They will also begin to reproduce, making your initially small problem quickly grow larger.
Cockroaches prefer warm, humid areas, and are most often found in kitchens, often hidden under sinks. However, they can also be found in bathrooms since moisture levels tend to be high in those rooms. Even a room with lower humidity may be at risk if it offers a food supply. Pantries, dining rooms, living rooms, or any room where you eat or leave food is at risk.
How do I get rid of cockroaches?
Cockroaches are some of the most difficult pests to get rid of. They have many defenses to protect themselves, including the ability to hold their breath for up to forty minutes. They can even live without a head for a week! Even if you figure out a way to kill them, cockroaches are excellent at hiding, so it’s unlikely that you’ll eliminate the entire problem through a DIY approach.
Pickett Pest Control offers pest control that will get to the source of your problem. We will eliminate every cockroach that has entered your home and help to ensure that none return in the future. Contact Pickett today!
Pickett Pest Control offers pest control that will get to the source of your problem. We will eliminate every cockroach that has entered your home and help to ensure that none return in the future.
Preventing cockroaches is far preferable to treating them after they’ve invaded your Utah property.
(435) 781-0111
1344 W Highway 40 Suite 1,
Vernal, UT 84078
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